Monday, June 15, 2009

Hike up Mt. Colvin and Mt. Blake

Yesterday I went hiking with the Hiking Mates again. We drove up into the Adirondacks and hiked up Mt. Colvin and then over to Mt. Blake, two of the forty six Adirondacks High Peaks. Only three of us showed, but that's ok.

We had to walk about three miles to the trail head from the parking lot because the trail head is on private land. It's about three miles up to the top of Colvin and then another one point five miles to the top of Blake. There isn't a loop so we did a down-and-back.

The weather held up for the most part though we nearly got caught in a thunderstorm between Blake and Colvin. The hike itself kicked my ass all over the place thanks to mud, rocks, tree roots and bugs. A good portion of the hike was over rocky ground and we had to scale some short rock ledges as well. Fun fun fun. I had to Tarzan around using tree roots since I don't have a hiking pole.

I didn't get any blisters, but I got bit a bunch since the bugs found the places that didn't get bug spray. My knees nearly gave out on the walk back to the car, but it was all good once we stopped for root beer floats.

We estimated we hiked about 15 miles and it took exactly ten hours. I would rate the hike as "difficult," but I need to lose some weight so your mileage may vary.

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