Unfortunately, even though I primed the walls, they still don't want to take the paint so one coat is not likely to be enough. I'm nearly out of paint so I'll use the rest to put a second coat around the edges so that I can take the tape off.
I can get more paint after the Thanksgiving holiday and put a second coat down on the walls. If I don't have to tape, it should go pretty quickly.
I think I did a pretty good job though and that it'll look nice when I clean up and move my soon-to-be-old bed in there. I'm also going to move in my old desktop to be used as a guest computer. I may wipe the hard drive and install Ubuntu since Linux should be faster than Windows on an old machine and I've wanted to practice setting up Linux. I'd need to get another computer desk and a wireless card and that may be too much work considering the few guests I'm likely to have. Of course, if I build it, they might come.
I was able to plow through the painting in about 3.5 hours which isn't too bad. I started to get hungry towards the end and definitely got sick of the paint fumes. I used Benjamin Moore's Natura which is VOC-free, but even their paint is still a little stanky. It would've been 100 times worse with another brand so I shouldn't complain.
Painting is cool because you can completely transform a room for not much money. After I finish up this room, I'm not likely to do any more painting. I do need to start on pimpin' out the basement to get a pool table down there.
The sage color looks great.
It certainly looks better than the piss yellow that was there before.
Looks great. I love the colour.
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