My uncle, in the orange hat, brought down a .357, a 12 gauge shotgun, a 9mm and a 45. The picture on the right shows me in action with the .357. Even though I had never shot a real gun before, it turns out I'm a decent shot. Out of my five shots, four of them were close to the bullseye. Sweet.
My other uncle (the ranch owner) has a .22 and a 20 gauge shotgun. I used the .22 to put some holes in a barrel and the 20 gauge to shoot at an old printer in his junk pile (seen near the monitor in the picture). My cousin used the .22 to blow up the monitor seen in the picture.
We also did some skeet shooting, but my prowess with stationary targets did not translate over. My cousin's fiance was able to knock them out of the air though.
Shooting guns was fun enough that I'm seriously considering getting one. I liked the .357 a lot better than the 45. The longer barrel helps with accuracy and I don't really need the stopping power of the 45.
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