The weather report said it might rain today, but it ended up a pretty nice day with sun and a light breeze at times. The course winds its way through the park with most of the running on a trail rather than pavement. I was officially chip timed in 28:23 which means I was doing about 9 min/mile which was my goal. I'm continually working my way into shape and figure that I should eventually be able to get to about 8 min/mile. I've had a cough the past couple of weeks so I think I could've done even better had I been healthy. I did meet all of my goals:
- Finish the race.
- Run the entire race with no walking.
- Don't finish last.
- Finish in under 30min.
I spent most of the race focusing on putting one foot in front of the other and I'm not going to lie and say I enjoy this kind of running, but it was a good experience overall. I got a cool pair of running socks with my registration and they had a pretty good picnic spread for food afterwards. There was a good turnout with 322 racers though not everyone finished. I ended up finishing in about the middle of the pack with the winning time being 16:36.
Here is the race course as seen in Google Earth:
Here is my speed and heart rate:
You can see by the heart rate trace that I was definitely putting some work in.
I've been told there are a lot of 5k races in the Albany area so I think I'll try to do one a month or maybe two every three months. They're a good challenge for me and it's a good opportunity to get out and about.
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