I was able to roust the family early this morning so we could start opening presents. I got a lot of cool stuff from my family as shown below:
I was lucky to get the following:
- Pendleton merino wool blanket
- Small, seasoned 8" cast iron skillet
- Three piece Kobalt screwdriver set
- Garden trowel
- Bananagrams
- Bananagrams puzzle book
- Jesus gum
- Swiss army knife
- One pair of Smart Wool socks
- One box of Frango mint chocolates
- Leather belt with State of Oregon belt buckle
- Nike DriFit shirt
- Nike DriFit shorts
- The Turnaround by George Pelecanos
- Four organic seed packets: basil, parsley, dill and chives
- Ingenious
- Cuban dinner
What exactly is Jesus gum?
The gum comes in a box with a picture of Jesus and the words "Give me a hug."
The gum is terrible, but the box is funny.
Heh. For my birthday someone gave me a toast mould (you push it into the toast and after you toast the bread the picture appears) with a jesus figure on it saying "Holy Toast". I laughed for ages.
A toast mold sounds pretty cool.
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