Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I stayed home sick...again today. This year hasn't been kind to me illness-wise because I'm usually pretty healthy. Something funky must be circling the globe and caught up with me last week. I thought I had fought it off, but I woke up this morning in no shape to go to work. The half foot of snow didn't help either.

I spent most of today bumming around and slept for nearly the whole afternoon. I woke up about 20 minutes ago and my brain is still asleep - a strange feeling for sure.

I no longer have allergies so I can have indoor plants. I'm thinking of getting some known for purifying air.


rly said...

get well soon.

thumbs up on air purifying plants!

Jeremy said...

Thanks. I feel well enough to hit work today.

I'll see if the library has the book on purifying plants. If not, I have a couple of Amazon coupons I can use.

Do you have any advice on indoor plants?