To take advantage of the unseasonably warm (~80 F) weather, I drove up to Oakland to go hiking in the Redwoods Regional Park. It's right behind Berkeley and parking was free because it's out of season. I didn't hike for too long, but long enough to get a good workout and to work up a sweat.
As you can see I've got my socks pulled up big dork style. It kept my ankles from getting scratched and that's always appreciated. I'm not sure why I'm posing like a dork, but there you go.
Tonight was pool night at the pool hall I like the best - California

Billiards in Mountain View. There were a lot of people and it wasn't too much of a sausage fest so that's always good. There were more cougars than usual so it was funny to watch older women hit on the younger dudes. I played much better this time than last. One game I played really well and hit some tough shots. I'm going to ask for a pool cue for Xmas though since I'm tired of playing with the knotted tree branches these pool halls have. Normally a stick means you're a good player, but I'll get one without any adornment so maybe no one will notice. It would be nice to have some consistency in my shots and I think you can get a pretty good stick for around $100.
You are smiling. That is a great picture of you.
I agree - You rarely smile in photos...this coming from your flesh-and-blood brother who has known you for 29+ years! You have an excellent smile (got to market your orthodontia and dentistry!).
Yeah, I don't know what it is, but I don't like to smile in photos. I'm only smiling if someone catches me unaware.
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