Day 264:
Weight = 191.8 lbs (-0.2 lbs)
Body fat = 27.3 % (+0.5 %)
Visceral fat = 9 (no change)
Resting metabolism = 1847 kCal (-3 kCal)
Hmmm... my weight went down a little bit, but my body fat percentage came up. I exercised quite a bit last week: hit the track for my sprint work, walked to work on Tuesday, did my strength training and played basketball on Thursday. I think maybe I need some more aerobic exercise mixed in. Still, I'm pretty happy with my progress. I've let a little too much sugar back into my diet, but that's easily fixed.
From the pictures above, you can see that my abs are getting flat, but that I've still got some love handles. Those are going to go last unfortunately, but I think I can get rid of them by the end of the year. That's my goal certainly.
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