Sunday, September 28, 2008

Beefcake Challenge: End of Week 39

Day 271:
Weight = 193.4 lbs (+1.6 lbs)

Body fat = 27.1 % (-0.2 %)

Visceral fat = 9 (no change)

Resting metabolism = 1858 kCal (+11 kCal)

Well... my weight went up a little bit, but my body fat came down slightly. My metabolism went up again which explains the hungry hungry hippo pains I've been feeling the past couple of weeks. I've stalled out a bit and I think it's because I'm not exercising enough since I just played basketball this past week along with my track work and I'm definitely eating too much sugar. I had ice cream for dessert all last week and made strawberry ice cream last night. I also made a big ass pizza with Cindy which is shown below. I was full after eating just one slice. It has italian sausage, turkey pepperoni, onions, tomatoes, red peppers and mozzarella. Hot damn it's tasty.

Ok, time to hit the track to burn off some of that food.

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