I was going to post a picture of my dinner, but the batteries in my camera died. I decided that I need to eat less wheat since I think it messes with my GI tract a bit. I brewed up a pretty tasty salad with sweet lettuce, smoked salmon, red pepper, goat cheese, carrots, peas, chickpeas and balsamic vinaigrette. Definitely tasty. I also juiced two apples and a pear - probably too much sugar, but it's all good since I hit the track this morning. My sprint work is definitely good for me. It helps me get going and burns off any funk from the previous week.
Work has been a little stressful because the economy sucks and our stock price is trading below book value. We're a great value, but mainly to someone who would buy us and sell us off piece-meal. I don't think my job would survive as-is if that happens, but I can't worry about it. Well, that's what I tell myself, but it still gnaws a bit in the back of my brain.
I think I'm even more worried about the upcoming election. I've already voted and I'm sure you can tell that I voted for Obama. I can't marshal up any reasons to vote for McCain, especially after he chose Palin for his running mate. She strikes me as someone who isn't altogether grounded in reality. I am worried that the anti-intellectualism of the past eight years will propagate forward until Idiocracy comes true. If you haven't seen it, check it out. Then go "family style." Heh. I think I should watch that movie again along with the 40 Year Old Virgin. I need a good laugh.
I spent this weekend relaxing. I didn't clean up the kitchen as much as I should have nor the rest of my apartment, but it's all good. I caught up on my sleep so I should be well rested for the week ahead. I caught some football today, but my fantasy dudes didn't do well so I don't think I'll win. I did win four of the first six weeks which gives me a lot of bragging rights, but fortunes can change quickly. I drafted pretty well though, but I need to pick up a more productive tight end for sure.