Monday, October 6, 2008

Beefcake Challenge: End of Week 40

Day 278:
Weight = 192.8 lbs (-0.6 lbs)

Body fat = 27.4 % (+0.3 %)

Visceral fat = 9 (no change)

Resting metabolism = 1854 kCal (-4 kCal)

It seems that I'm hitting a plateau because the last couple of weeks have had random fluctuations in weight and body fat percentage. That's ok because I think I'm looking a heckuva lot more beefcake and have the pictures to prove it. My track work is helping quite a bit and so is my bouncing. I didn't play basketball last Thursday because I was giving my back a break, but I'll try to play this week. I've been eating a bit more sugar than I should, but nothing egregious.

All in all, I think my diet and exercise plan is going well and I should be at least semi-ripped by the end of the year.

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