Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Last night I played pool with Kristina at California Billiards. It's my third time going to that pool hall and I think it's my favorite in the South Bay. The place is big and the tables are nice. The prices are just ok, but I like to play pool so I don't worry about it that much. The music is sporadic depending on who plunks in money into the jukebox. We had a nice run of Nirvana along with some other good stuff mixed in with some honky-tonk. There is also an interesting mix of people there ranging from the hardcore Asian dudes playing snooker with the bored girlfriends watching to old dudes playing 9-ball to 20- and 30-somethings like me and Kristina.

I'm not sure what got into me, but I was shooting really well. I had plenty of touch and sunk all the easy ones and most of the medium and a good percentage of the difficult ones. Kristina hadn't played in a while, but hit some pretty tough shots as well. This time I grabbed a 19 oz stick instead of the 21 oz that I usually play with because I was told by good players that a lighter stick offers more control.

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