The mullet project begins. I have helmet hair, but I busted out my clippers, slapped on a No 6 guide (0.75") and shaved the front and some of the sides.
It's tough to take a picture of the side of your head. It took me five tries to get this shot so I hope you appreciate it.
I, on behalf of your blog readers, am furious that you are going for it even though the majority of us think it's the worst idea.
Now that you're doing it anyway, how long is it going to take you to look like an 80's soccer player?
Actually, it's close to a tie. Two said it was a bad idea, one said it's a great idea and one dared me. That's two people who say to do it and two who said no.
It'll probably take at least a month to look anything close to a mullet and probably another month to look right.
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