Sunday, May 22, 2011

Track work

I hit the BCHS track for some interval training this morning.  It was the second time using my barefoot running shoes and I can tell that I'm still in the adjustment period since my right calf started barking after my warm up lap.  I think my stride is asymmetric which is why it was just the right one.

Anyhow I was able to persevere and get in a good workout which is the whole point.  The more I do it, the easier it'll all become.

I did one warm up lap, six sprint-walk laps and then one cool down lap:
My average speed was 4.7mph and my max speed was 16.4mph.  I'd like to get the average up around 6mph which will happen when I get strong enough to jog the curves.  I read that it can take a while to get acclimated to barefoot running so I should be patient.

I'm feeling good.

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