Friday, September 2, 2011

Never Gymless Day 50

Morning: core
  • (15 V-ups, 15 blue band slams, 10 blue band rotational twists, chinnies to burn) x 3
I'm not sure I ever did a proper V-up.

Today is the last day of the Never Gymless program.  I think that it has been successful because I feel much stronger.  I weighed myself this morning and I lost 2.8lbs of bodyweight (1.2lbs of fat) and 0.5" of chunk from around my waist.  I think I've lost more fat, but I'm not going to argue with the scale.

I'm no longer convinced that strength training alone can lead to significant weight loss so I recommend adding in a lot of cardio activity.  I kept meaning to, but never got around to it.  My fundamental problem is that I'm lazy and that I like to eat.

I'll take about a week break and then start up P90X. 

1 comment:

The Daily Beatz said...

Hey nice blog :)
Check out mine if you have the time. Thanks!