It was a little steep going up Hurricane, but nothing too difficult. The summit is flat with a closed off firetower. You have a 360 view of the Adirondacks and I got some great shots of the changing leaf colors.
We went back down and then up Nun-da-Ga-O Ridge. It also has some nice views, but the trail isn't very wide. Going down was a little hairy because it was steep with loose soil so footing was sketchy. My knees were also pretty sore since I haven't been that active recently. I'm ok now, but I probably should get them checked out since I'm too young to hobble like an old man.
One of the hikers had a bad ass mapping GPS unit, the Garmin 60CSx, with her. It records all sorts of cool stuff so I'm going to order it. It'll track your route, compute your total mileage, elevation gain, pace, etc. It takes AA batteries which is great because then you can carry spares with you. If you get special software, you can download your track and post it. That would be a great way to share the hike with others.
All in all, I recommend this hike.

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