We're supposed to get 3 to 6 inches of snow today and a whole buttload more tomorrow so I thought I would just work from home both days. I'm not sure I could make it down my driveway this morning and I certainly wouldn't be able to make it back up. I'll have to decide on Thursday if I want to pay someone to plow or if I feel like shoveling myself out. Hmmm...
I should've ordered a snowblower by now, but I figured I could make do with my shovel. That strategy worked out last year because we didn't get that much snow and the snow we did get was followed by warm weather. This season, it's snowed a lot and accumulated. I think my friends down in CT have accumulated about four feet or so. Crazy.
Thanks to the internet, I can easily work from home. In fact, I'm probably more productive here. If necessary, I can call into a meeting.
I'm looking out of my office window and people out on the road. I can barely see them through the snow. One of the town plow trucks just came by, but he's going to have a tough time keeping up. I know that some people need to get out and about, but today and tomorrow will be good days to stay home. Fortunately, I've got cable, food in the fridge, the internet and some good books.
I had some really weird dreams last night. I got home from basketball around 21:45, showered and then had a protein shake. I guess I was wired or something because I couldn't fall asleep for a couple of hours. When I finally did, I dreamt about living in a world where no one could ever fall asleep. Pretty weird eh? I woke up at 5:45, used the bathroom and decided not to go into work today. I went back to bed and then dreamt about moving back to this weird house (this house is usually in my dreams, but I've never lived there). My brother was there and then there were about 10 dentists asking to fix my teeth.
I started doing my taxes last Friday since I got my W-2's. Oh boy, I hope to get the rest of my 1099's because I'm going to get a gripload back this year. It's good because I can use the money, but it's bad because it means I was paying too much tax last year and loaned the government some scratch. I took four deductions, but, with my house, I think I should take six. I changed it to five just in case. I don't mind getting a little back.
Ah, I can see people out there in gray cars without their lights on. People around here are terrible drivers and frequently leave their lights off just because it's daytime.
I jammed my ring finger playing basketball last night. Again. I need to find a sleeve or start taping it up like Rosa recommended. I guess I played a lot of volleyball and knows a think or two about jammed fingers.