Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Never Gymless Day 22

Morning: maximal strength
  • (1 pullup, 1 glute-ham raise) x 4
  • (2 one-armed pushups, 6 one-legged squats) x 4
  • (9 pike presses, 6 green band good mornings) x 4
  • (5 bodyweight tricep extensions, 10 medicine ball one-legged calf raises) x 3
My pullups were pretty legit, but I'm not quite able to lower myself past 45 degrees for the glute ham raises.  My one-armed pushups are not real, but it's getting easier each week.  I held an 8lb medicine ball during the calf raises to make them a little tougher.

I'm definitely getting stronger.

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