Body fat = 28.5 % (+0.4 %)
Visceral fat = 10 (no change)
Resting metabolism = 1845 kCal (-37 kCal)
Since I'm now on to my natural food challenge, I will only torture my few readers with these "beefcake" photos once a month. I think photodocumenting really helps show the differences in fitness. I've lost five pounds this month, but I think I've really just lost the holiday pounds and nothing more since my body fat percentage has gone up and my resting metabolism has gone down. That's what I get for being out of work for four weeks. I should have spent the whole time exercising. Live and learn.
I made a graph, using Excel which is why it sucks, of my weight in pounds and my body fat percentage since I first started keeping track in July 2007. I started out close to 210 lbs and at 32% fat. I made decent progress reducing it until the end of the year when I went to my parents' place and ate nothing, but crap. I came back, muddled around and then got serious in about April of last year and made great progress. Last fall, I was around 190 lbs and 27% body fat. I don't know how accurate my scale is in an absolute sense, but I trust the relative sense and losing 5 percentage points seems pretty significant to me. You can see the end of the year spike due to Christmas gorging and then a weight drop this month, but not a fat drop.
I really need to get back exercising again. I don't like how the body fat has been creeping up steadily since last fall.

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