Tuesday, March 23, 2010


  • Got denied last night. I'm worried I'm running out of options.
  • For some reason, the breaker for the finished part of my basement keeps tripping. I'll leave it off for now until I have time to deal with it. Heh. Deal with it? Like I have the skill to diagnose the problem. Hopefully it's weather related and not because some critter chewed through some lines.
  • It has been raining steady since last night and the roofer is going to take a look today or tomorrow. He seemed a little defensive when I called him yesterday. I'm not in a huge rush, but it had been ten days since I heard from him and he said he was going to look two Mondays ago. Your word is your bond.
  • I woke up three or four times this morning before my alarm went off. I haven't had a good night of sleep in about a week. I'll try to hit the hay early tonight.
  • Time to motivate myself to get a move on.

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