Monday, March 29, 2010

"When I die, fuck it I wanna go to hell."

  • I'm pretty fuckin' far from ok today. I woke up tired and slept in by an hour, but didn't really have much get-up this morning. Work dragged and then I got a call from my roofer. My roof is twice as big as I thought so I need to spend twice as much money which is 33% more money than I have right now. It means I'll need to use all my 401k loan money plus my tax return plus any bonus I get on a new roof which does fuck-all for me now other than save me more money and hassle down the line. Maybe it adds to the value of the house, but maybe not. Gah. No more spending on anything other than food or gas.
  • I haven't been sticking very well to my no expectations philosophy. I need to give less of a shit.
  • I'm still detoxing from sugar which means I'm hungry all the time for now reason. I just ate a big ass dinner and my stomach feels empty. I know better than to eat more because it's just the craving talking.
  • I was going to drive down to EFK on Wednesday, but I've got too much work to do. Oh well. I'll go down next week.
  • seems like any money from Spansion could come in June. I could definitely use it given the first item.

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